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Daniel M. Santarsiero

Featured Personal
Injury Attorney

New Jersey Dog Bite Law

At The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, our NJ Dog Bite Lawyers have extensive experience in recovering compensation for clients under New Jersey’s dog bite law. The law holds an owner of a dog strictly liable for injuries suffered by the victim of an attack. Below is general information about “strict liability.” However, each personal injury case is unique, and it is important to talk to a lawyer at the first opportunity after the attack. If you would like to speak with a member of our New Jersey firm, please contact our office to arrange a free consultation.

What is “strict liability” for a dog bite?

The law does have some limitations. The owner of the dog is responsible for the attack under the following conditions:

  • The bite occurred in a public place. A public place can be a park, street, store, repair shop, or gas station
  • The bite occurred when the victim was lawfully on private property. A delivery person, mail carrier, police officer, or social worker bitten when entering the property in the course of his or her duties; a plumber, electrician, or handyman invited to the property to perform a service; a guest that has a specific or implied invitation (If your child has been told to use the neighbor’s swing set whenever he likes, or to cut through the property on her way to school, that is an invitation.)
  • The dog was not provoked by the victim

What defenses do dog owners have against the dog bite law?

The homeowner’s insurer or business carrier for a responsible owner of the dog will often try to avoid paying a dog bite claim by stating that the victim was not legally on private property, the dog was provoked by the victim, or the dog was not actually owned by the defendant. Our lawyers have successfully won verdicts in dog bite cases despite such defenses.

Free consultation — have our attorney evaluate your claim

If you or a member of your family was injured in an animal attack or bitten by a dog, it is important to have a lawyer with experience in similar cases review your claim. Protect your right to recover full compensation for your loss. Call 1-877-450-8301 or e-mail our office to arrange a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney.

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